Dark mode on bubble

Few weeks ago we encountered problems on hackerhouse.world when we wanted to improve the dark mode.
We found a solution and decided to share it to the community as it was a small code with high value.
Sharing is important, here's a quick video showcase about the plugin "Dark mode":
Full Transcript
Making you feature is easy, but making a bug is faster.
Day Night day night. Hello guys. I'm Pierre. You are looking for making your own dark mode on your web app. Then you are on the right place. There is a plug-in that you can use there is 2 actions. It's called dark mode. When you install it then you get two new action in your workflow tab. It's dark mode off and that mode on. So first of all, you will need to add a field in your data user in order to follow if your user choose the dark mode or not. So it will be data type yes or no (boolean) and the default will be no because at the start when your user come to your application. Maybe you want it in light mode. So as you can see the workflow, when you click the button it will change the dark mode. When it's over then it toggles also the button because you put the value as the current users dark mode. Thank you for watching guys. I hope it helped. If you have other question, please ask it directly to me and thank you very much. Have a good day.